Why you should use a creative direct mail piece and what type of mailer works best?
Why you should use a creative direct mail piece and what type of mailer works best?
Nowadays we get bombarded with email campaigns, online promotions and adverts popping up when we visit websites. Although there is no doubt that these can be effective as they are designed to target your specific interests they can also be infuriating, so much so that we can switch off from them.
There is still much to be said about sending a pop up mailer or innovative direct mail piece, most people still like a physical product whatever their generation. These mailers can be fairly low cost and still get a great response rate, the rule of thumb is the more complex the assembly the more costly the direct mail piece.
One of the most important factor’s at the initial stage of your campaign is establishing who your target audience is and so what kind of creative mailer will work best. This together with having a fully qualified database (ensuring compliance with GDPR) is a great place to start.
There are a wide variety of standard interesting direct mail ideas available which can be seen on
www.directmailideas.co.uk Alternatively we can work with you to produce a bespoke mailing piece.
Once the direct mail product has been decided on, there are then different print options available to you. If the print is common throughout then unless the quantity is very low it will be most cost effective to litho print the mailers. Typically the assembly cost and assembly time are also lower on generically printed mail pieces.
If you want to personalise your direct mail item – this can be anything from text to image changes then it would need to be digitally printed and the costs are typically higher than litho printed pieces – but the results can be significantly better.
To be effective you do not necessarily have to have a complicated physical mailer design. The graphic design will be extremely important to the success of your mailing campaign, even the simplest of mailer designs can be elevated by a great graphic design – you want to make the recipient want to read it and hopefully show their colleagues.
I have been in this business a long time – since before Google and the widespread use of the internet and email campaigns for advertising. Pop up mailers and direct mail pieces together with more standard direct mail items were the main avenues of advertising available (apart from the tv and publications). And I still strongly believe that they have a large place now in advertising and promoting your company.